
25 years of empowering older people in the Philippines

Last weekend, we at the Coalition of Services of the Elderly (COSE), HelpAge's longstanding Affiliate in the Philippines, celebrated our silver anniversary. In the 25 years we have existed, there have been significant improvements made to the lives of ma

16 Days campaign: Breaking the silence on elder abuse

On 25 November, the Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, HelpAge and partners in Moldova took action to break the silence on elder abuse. Entering the United Nations building, we received an orange scarf, a symbol of the...

The HelpAge Global network is growing!

We are delighted that after the recent meeting of HelpAge International s board, three new Affiliates from Uganda, Cambodia and Finland joined our global network bringing it to a total of 114 organisations in more than 70 countries. We asked...

Celebration and success in Pakistan on older people’s rights

On 1 October around the world, International Day of Older Persons is celebrated. Older people worldwide around the world call for age-friendly services and protection of their rights. This year, the celebration continued throughout October, as Internation

South Sudan: Helping older people

Serving older people in Juba, South Sudan Juma is in his mid-fifties. He is employed by HelpAge as a community mobiliser here in Protection of Civilians (POC) 2, one of the areas secured by the UN troops in Juba, for...

8 reasons to care about older people’s rights

1. The number of older people worldwide is growing at an unprecedented pace. Today, 760 million people are over 60; by 2050, that number will have risen to two billion. Older people already outnumber young children (aged 0-4) and, globally,...

Age Demands Action in Bangladesh: Achievements of older people

Begining of a Global Movemnet Bangladesh was one of the first countries to get involved in the Age Demands Action (ADA) campaign which began in 2007. Older people in Bangladesh started to raise their voices in support of their rights and have...

A lifetime of experience working on ageing

My years as a Board Member of HelpAge Kenya I had the pleasure of catching up recently with Dr Mugo Gachuhi, one of the longest serving board members of HelpAge Kenya, having been on the board since 1999. We spoke...

ADA around the world through Storify

Every year on 1 October, the International Day of Older Persons (IDOP), older people take part in the ADA Global campaign. Older people call on decision makers to take action on issues that are important to them. This year...

Typhoon Haiyan, one year on: Proud of our achievements

We knew a few days ahead of time that the typhoon was coming. The government was aware and warned the population. We, as the Coalition of Services for the Elderly (COSE), called our staff and told them to stay alert....